Month 1 – Starting Strong in Business: Who is an Entrepreneur?

This month’s focus is on YOU and requires some in-depth reflection on your skills, values, characteristics, experiences, and ambitions from the past to the present. It comprises of questions and exercises that will help you to map out your past and future journeys as a small business owner.

They will also enable you to clarify and understand your own position and identity. You may reflect on them individually and then discuss your answers collectively as a group, with a friend, family member or colleague. Most importantly, be honest and realistic in your answers.

In this month you will learn:

  • Characteristics and values of an entrepreneur
  • Risks and resources for entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial effectiveness
  • Idea alignment
  • Founder-to-Idea fit


Dave Jarman is an Associate Professor and Postgraduate Director of the Masters programme at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol. He is an Enterprise Educator with a background in creativity, innovation, and early-stage start-ups. Dave uses his extensive experience to help young entrepreneurs achieve their ambitions.